Monday, May 5, 2008

Give me the chance

Can you hear my heart beats?
Can you feel my presence?
I am your child,
a living thing like you.

You gave me oxygen
You gave me nutrient
You gave me life
You gave me hope

But now,
You want to snatch away my hope
And now,
You want to end my life

Can you bear to kill me?
Can you bear to lose me?
Please think twice,
Or you will miss me.

I have not seen you
I have not seen the world
I don’t want to leave
Without bidding goodbye

I can sense the omen
I can feel the danger
I struggled and I screamed
But do you ever hear?

I am a part of you
Connected by tubes and bloods
Connected by love and hearts
Please, give me the chance

charmaine and yan chun!:)


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